Documentation: Data Types

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Custom Post Types


The main Post Type for Radio Station with repeater field for assignable Show Shifts. Hosts, Producers, Genres and Languages terms can also be assigned. A Featured Image, Show Avatar Image and (if turned on in plugin Settings) an alternative Show Header can be added to the Show via the Show Images metabox (all images upload to the WordPress Media Library.) Each Show also has the following meta data fields:

  • show_link: optional URL to the Show's external website
  • show_file: optional URL to the Show's latest audio file
  • show_email: optional email contact for the Show
  • show_patreon: option Patreon ID for the Show's Patreon page

Schedule Overrides

Similar to Shows but use a date and time block instead of Shifts. A Datepicker field is used to specify the Override start date, and dropdowns for the start and end times. Hosts, Producers, Genres and Languages terms can also be assigned. A Featured Image and Override Avatar Image can also be added via the Show Images metabox (all images upload to the WordPress Media Library.)


A Track list assignable to a Show, with a repeater field for track information. A Playlist can be assigned to a particular Show via the Edit Playlist screen. The most recently published Playlist will be considered current for a Show when that Show is playing and display in the Current Playlist Widget (or Widget Shortcode)

For each Track the following can be specified:

  • Artist (Text Field)
  • Song Title (Text Field)
  • Album (Text Field)
  • Label (Text Field)
  • Comments (Text Field)
  • New Track (Checkbox)
  • Queued or Played (Status Dropdown)

Show Posts

Standard WordPress Posts are assignable to a Show via a metabox on the Post Edit screen. This is good for allowing listeners to find news and other announcements for a particular Show, for when assigned to a Show they will display in a paginated list on that Show's page.

[Pro] Show Episodes

Radio Statio Pro will include Show Episodes. These will be assignable to a Show to create and archive of Episodes for specific dates that will display on the Show page.

[Pro] Host and Producer Profiles

Radio Station Pro will include Show Host and Producers Profile pages. These will display a profile template rather than the standard Author template for Hosts and Producers.


Genre Taxonomy

A flexible taxonomy allowing for the addition of Genre terms that can be assigned to a Show (or Override.) A Genre does not have to be music, as it can also be used to assign topics for talk shows for example. Having a Genre assigned allows for user highlighting on the Program Schedule, and discoverable via the plugin's data API Genres Endpoint. They are displayed on the Show's page, and can also be displayed in widgets and other shortcodes. There is also a Genres Archive Shortcode that lists Shows sorted by their assigned Genre terms.

Language Taxonomy

A fixed taxonomy allowing for assigning of Language terms to a Show (or Override.) In a Show does not have a Language assigned, it is assumed to be in the main Language selected in the Plugin Settings. Languages are displayed on a Show's page, and discoverable via the plugin's data API Languages Endpoint, and in future will be displayable in widgets and other shortcodes also. There will also be an addition of a Languages Archive Shortcode that will work similar to the Genre Archive Shortcode.

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