
Engage Your Channel's Audience
with the #1 WordPress Plugin
for Digital Broadcasters

Raise your website presence to the next level with Radio Station PRO, the most fully-featured WordPress plugin for online broadcasters. Expertly manage your program and showcase it to your listeners. Integrate all your channel data using schedules, shows, profiles, episodes, playlists and more, ready for your visitors to browse and discover.

Including Non-Stop Live Stream Player!

Specially developed for audio streams, our innovative player bar persists between page loads,
to give your listeners the experience of uninterrupted playback while exploring your site’s content.

As Featured On:

Your Professional Choice Plan

We highly recommend you get all the benefits that Radio Station PRO has to offer now, to lock in a lower price while we continue to add innovative new features. At the same time we recognize our users have different needs and budgets, and so we’ve also decided to offer separate package levels. You can get the basic enhancements of Radio Station PLUS or the advanced player with Stream Player Pro. Or get both included along with all the extra features of Radio Station PRO.

Pay as you go at a low monthly price, or save even more with an annual subscription.
Or, you can try out the full Radio Station PRO with a risk-free 14 day trial.

Radio Station PLUS

$5.99 / month
$59.99 / year
17% Annual Saving
All PLUS Enhancements:

Stream Player Pro

$5.99 / month
$59.99 / year
17% Annual Saving
All Pro PLAYER Features:

Radio Station PRO

$9.99 / month
17% Package Saving
$99.99 / year
17% Package Saving
+ 17% Annual Saving!
All PLUS Enhancements
and All Pro PLAYER Features
AND Exclusive PRO Features:
All pricing is in USD. You can change plans or cancel at any time. All active renewals remain at the prices you subscribed to.
Radio Station Pro
14 Day No Risk Free Trial

Our 100% Moneyback Guarantee

We’re excited to have you experience all that Radio Station PRO has to offer. Over the next 30 days, if your purchase doesn’t meet your needs, simply get in touch! We’ll happily refund 100% of your money, no questions asked.
Tony Zeoli
CEO, Radio Station by netmix®
We’ve been using this plugin for 4 years, and it does all the things we need for our community station, and more. The new schedule modules are so much better than before and it’s great to see the plugin developing.
As more and more users discover the plugin and create our own customisations to suit our projects, the support team are listening to our discoveries and making milestones to fix/complete. The support is the best I’ve ever discovered on WordPress. This plugin is only going to get better in time.
Thanks to the support of the developers and other members of the Radio Station Plugin community on GitHub this plugin is your one-stop for Radio Stations that have a WordPress site!

Invest in Your Channel's Future

We’d like you to feel genuinely comfortable knowing when buying Radio Station PRO, what you’re really investing in is the future of your channel. To make that happen, let us directly address your biggest concerns before jumping on board…

Can We Deliver?

As evidenced by our WordPress.org Support Forum and Github Repository issue tracker, our track record in both product improvement and customer support is one of the highest in the WordPress community. We’re committed to providing the best website software available for broadcasters of any type, and are confident that Radio Station PRO can deliver.

Could You Lose Out?

We know from experience how hard it can be to determine the quality of a piece of software until you try it. That’s why we’re offering both a 14 Day Free Trial and a 30 Day Moneyback Guarantee. So you get to test it out, completely risk free! Given the many benefits and advantages of Radio Station PRO, the only way for you to lose out is by not putting it to the test.

Is It Worth the Cost?

With the sheer quantity and quality of features we’ve added (and keep adding), we know Radio Station PRO is worth a lot more than we’re charging. If you paid a skilled developer yourself to come up with all these solutions, you’d easily be paying thousands just to get started, and be waiting months for a minimal viable product.
On the other hand, you might think we’re crazy offering all this at such a low price. The thing is, we want to keep barrier low to our increasing user community, as we know the more feedback and ideas we’re going to get to keep improving, delivering real lasting value for everyone. As we add new major features, we’ll be increasing the price, so we recommend you lock in this offer at the current price so you can enjoy the product now and the savings into the future.

Join the swelling ranks of existing Pro users:

Inside Your Web Radio Dream Suite

Join thousands of broadcasters, streamers, and audio curators using our dream suite of WordPress tools to power a show schedule, build content around episodes and hosts, and help your audiences discover the content they care about.

Leveraging a combination of brainstorming and user feedback, we’ve threshed out unique ideas that will give your channel the edge you need, and prioritized their development for inclusion in Radio Station Pro

#1. Persistant Streaming Player Bar

Our top-of-the-range streaming player was purpose built to persist in your site’s header or footer, giving listeners an uninterrupted playback experience of your broadcast while navigating your WordPress website.
* Please note we currently do not offer stream hosting or music licensing. Please consult your local performing rights organizations for streaming licenses.
Station Name and Logo
Player Controls and Metadata

Show Title and Avatar

Radio Station PRO by netmix partial Stream Player PRO view of station name and logo or avatar.
Radio Station PRO by netmix partial Stream Player PRO view of player controls and metadata
Radio Station PRO by netmix partial Stream Player PRO view of show title and show avatar.

Sticky header or footer bar gives you uninterupted browser audio playback for your listeners.

Supports Icecast, Shoutcast, and Live365 stream metadata. Or, queued song in current playlist.
Auto-fade between clicked pages just like a Single Page Application within WordPress.
A rainbow of button colors to match your site’s look and feel. Customizable bar colors, highlights, and controls.
A rainbow of button colors to match your site’s look and feel. Customizable bar colors, highlights, and controls.
MP3, M4A, OGG, FLAC, WAV, and more…the widest browser audio support by leveraging multiple player scripts.
Only one tab/window on your site plays at a time, preventing annoying, overlapping browser audio.
A rainbow of button colors to match your site’s look and feel. Customizable bar colors, highlights, and controls.
A rainbow of button colors to match your site’s look and feel. Customizable bar colors, highlights, and controls.

#2. Adaptive Schedule Layouts

Choose from a selection of enhanced, Show Schedule layouts that inherit your theme’s look and feel. More than merely “responsive”, these views adapt to optimize content, combining view options, display states and screen width.

In addition to the weekly Table View and Tabbed View, there is a showcase style Grid View, and a multi-week Calendar View with show slider. Multiple view switching allows your audience to select their preferred View.

The currently scheduled show remains highlighted at all times. Visitors can also shift schedule weeks forward or back, highlight their favorite show genres, or adjust all show times to their selected timezone.

#3. Instant Visual Schedule Editing

Plan your Show Schedule with ease. Edit Show times directly on your schedule on the WordPress backend – or frontend!

Add new Show Shifts, Override Timeslots or Repeating Overrides. Update, duplicate or remove existing entries. A built-in conflict checker prevents overlapping shifts.

All schedule views are updated in real-time so there’s no need to keep reloading the page while adjusting your channel’s programme.

#4. Responsive Post Type Templates

Create SEO-friendly Show page content and Host/Producer profiles complete with contact and social media icons.

Section tabs are dynamically populated for related Posts, Episodes, Hosts, Producers, and Playlists, automatically providing improved internal linking for better SEO.

#5. Episodes and Playlists

Assign Episodes to Shows for more precise SEO and add audio recordings for archived playback. Set Episode description, topics, and guests.

Create Playlists and connect them to their related Shows and to specific Episodes.

#6. Versatile Blocks, Widgets & Shortcodes

Quickly add content to your site with highly configurable widgets. Display the Current Show or  Playlist, or a list of Upcoming Shows, with countdown timer display and dynamic refresh at changeover times. Plus standalone widgets for the Stream Player and Radio Clock.

Includes an extensive list of developer-friendly shortcodes for displaying all plugin content types. Archive Lists (or grids) for Shows, overrides and playlists. Also shows by genre, show posts, episodes, hosts, producers and playlists.

All widgets are also now available as Page Builder Integrations: as Gutenberg Blocks, Elementor Widgets and Beaver Builder Modules!

Jam Packed with Enhancements

We’ve diligently tracked a plethora of potential improvements for development, and continue to add numerous add innovative enhancements to Radio Station PRO on every level. Here’s a few more of the goodies we’ve packed in for you:

Dynamic Widget Reloading

Automatically refreshes Show widgets at Show changeover times without reloading the page.

Role Assignment Interface

Instantly assign plugin user roles to multiple users from a single intuitive interface.

Shift Conflict Checker

Checks and notifices you you of overlapping shift times to prevent conflicts on show schedules.

Timezone Switcher

Portable Data via the WordPress REST API for endless cross-application possibilities.

Schedule Import/Export

Export your schedule to change it offline with an editor and then re-import the update.

Station Data API

Portable Data via the WordPress REST API for endless cross-application possibilities.

The Advantages All Stack Up

As we’re already the number one WordPress plugin for Radio Stations, we’ve put our attention into creating the number one Premium package to match. Because we love open source, we don’t like to introduce or impose feature usage restrictions.

Instead, we’ve worked hard to ensure to add value upon value with improvements and new features to Radio Station PRO on every level. And remember, if you don’t need it all just yet, you can grab Radio Station PLUS or Stream Player Pro and simply upgrade when you do.

Radio StationRadio Station PLUSStream Player ProRadio Station PRO
Admin Show and Override Editing
Weekly Table, Tab, and List Views
Weekly Grid Schedule View
Multiple Week Calendar View
Multiple View Switching
Schedule Week Shifting
Visual Schedule Editor
Schedule Import/Export
Block / Widget / Shortcode
Multiple Player Instances
Volume Control Options
Width Adaptive Display
Continous Playback Bar Player
Basic Themes and Styling
Extra Color Themes
Advanced Styling Options
Animated Track Metadata
Popup Player Button
Pro Player Block / Widget Options
Elementor Player Module
Beaver Builder Player Module
Blocks / Widgets
Current Show
Upcoming Shows
Current Playlist
Countdown to Show Changeover
Reload at Show Changeover
Radio and User Time Clock
User Timezone Switcher
Record Archive Block / Shortcode
Pro Block / Widget Options
All Elementor Modules
All Beaver Builder Modules
Multiple Shift Times
Shift Conflict Checker
Linkable Schedule Overrides
Recurring Overrides
Genre and Languages Taxonomies
Show Images
Show Detail Fields
Show / Host Social Icons
Show Episodes
Topic and Guest Taxonomies
Automatic Schedule Page
Automatic Archive Pages
Show Pages
Playlist Pages
Host and Producer Profile Pages
Show Episodes and Pages
DJ/Host Role
Producer Role
Show Editor Role
Role Assignment Interface
Future Bugfixes
Future Enhancements
Future Player Features
All Future Features
WordPress Support Forum
Github Issue Tracking
Premium Email Support

Need to know you’re getting the very best for your channel’s website? We’re confident in saying that we’re easily the clear market leaders in providing the widest range of web radio features that you’ll need. We’ve achieved this by aiming for minimum feature parity with all of our competitors then improving upon that even further.

Theme Independent
Localization Support
Multisite (Network) Support
User Timezone Support
Role Assignment Interface
Station Data API
Player Widget/Shortcode
Header / Footer Bar
Persistent Bar Playback
Volume Controls
Player Colors
Track Metadata
Mobile Responsive
Popup Player
Visual Schedule Editor
Weekly List View
Weekly Table/Tabbed View
Weekly Grid View
Monthly Calendar View
Shift Conflict Checker
Multiple View Switching
Schedule Import/Export
Multiple Shift Times
Schedule Overrides
Automatic Show/DJ Pages
Show/DJ Images
Show/DJ Website Link
Show/DJ Social Icons
Current Show/DJ Display
Next Show/DJ Display
Current Playlist Display
Radio Clock Widget
Dynamic Widget Reloading
Archive Shortcodes

* Beware! AJAX transitions can break the functionality of your WordPress pages. This is because correctly enqueued and optimized scripts conditionally load in subpages, and AJAX loading of HTML does not handle subpage script loading nor trigger pageload events, This makes AJAX transitions an unreliable method for persistent audio playback while browsing.

Looking to find out what’s coming up that we’ll be adding to the mix next? We’re committed to identifying innovative new features specifically suited to broadcasters and bringing them to life. Radio Station PRO is our carefully planned journey in the evolution of radio and website integration. So naturally we have a roadmap and shortlist of exciting features to include next:

Schema MarkupStation and Show metadata wrapped in schema markup for better SEO. on your Show Pages, Playlists, Episodes, and Team Profiles.
Episode SegmentsMark your episode content into different audio Segments, giving you granular detail that will help your audiences find specific content and recall memorable moments.
Resource MetadataSpecify metadata resources (links, transcripts, images, documents, ads etc) that appear at specific points during Episode playback!
Show Time AlertsAllow listeners to set their own alerts – whether by email, SMS, RSS or calendar – so they don’t miss their favourite shows.
Remember: by signing up at the current price, you’ll get all of the future PRO features too. If you’re keen to get on the cutting edge of online radio, we’re keen to help you stay there.

Includes “All the Things”

We’re proud of the high quality of our work. We’ve gone to extensive efforts ensure Radio Station PRO follows best practices and includes all the things a discerning website developer would expect from an intelligently written plugin (but doesn’t always get.)
Fully Width Responsive Layouts. Schedule and Plugin Pages adapt between Mobile to Desktop sizes.
Easy Options for all Plugin Settings. Plus value filters throughout the plugin for extensive customizations.
Comes with easy to add and configure Blocks and Widgets, and matching custom Shortcodes.
clean code
Written to WordPress Coding Standards with extensive inline Code Commenting.
Comprehensive indexed Documentation for all plugin options and features.
Regular Bugfixes, Enhancements and Features included in each stable and tested Update.
In-built filterable templates, compatible with the WordPress Template Hierarchy.
All plugin text strings wrapped and ready for translation using the WordPress Translate API.
data api
Portable Data via the WordPress REST API for endless cross-application possibilities.

The Future of Radio is Clear

When you take an ever-expanding feature set devoted exclusively to web radio, and put it in the service of your content, new possibilities open up before you. Don’t get stuck paying for some expensive closed propietary system, when instead you can get everything you need and combine it with the flexibility of WordPress to stay in control of the future of your broadcast. If you’re serious about the online presence of your channel, you can be sure investing in Radio Station PRO is the clear answer.